
Charred Scallion and Cheddar Biscuits

People will tell you that there is never a good time to make a big change in your life, that if you want something you should just go for it.

I am here to tell you that while there may not be perfect times, there are definitely terrible times. I can confirm that three weeks before you start a major renovation to your home that requires you to stay with your in-laws for a week and then confined to your bedroom for another nine is a terrible time to get a puppy.

But we did, definitely at my insistence, bring a 6 month old miniature Dachsund into the chaos.

And this is Biscuit:

Since this little pup us named after one of my favourite treats it seemed fitting that the next recipe on the blog be a biscuit. I probably should have made one she could have tried, but I REALLY wanted a savoury cheesy biscuit and charred scallions are the perfect match for an old cheddar.

A Note on Charring Scallions

You are going to want to get your pan H-O-T HOT. The goal is to char the outside without completely cooking the inside. So it’s going to be very important to heat your pan first before tossing in the onions.

I’ve found that you are able to get the most surface area charring if you cut the onions in half cross wise. This is because the onions have a natural bend and by making the pieces smaller each the curves will be less extreme.

Planning Ahead

  • It is a great idea to char the scallions ahead of time and place them in the fridge to cool. This can be done one day in advance of mixing.
  • Ingredients can all be prepped and scaled one day in advance.
  • Biscuit can be mixed, shaped and cut one day in advance and put in the fridge overnight to bake fresh in the morning. Alternatively they can be frozen on a sheet pan and then transferred to an air tight freezer bag or container for up to 3 months. You will need to extend the bake time.


  • Baking sheet
  • Frying Pan
  • Kitchen Scale
  • Mixing Bowls
  • Measuring spoons and cup
  • Chefs Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Parchment Paper

Charred Scallion and Cheddar Biscuits

Recipe by At Home GastronomeCourse: Savoury Baking



Flakey buttery biscuits filled with cheddar and charred scallions.


  • 2 Bunches Green Onions (4-5 each bunch), washed and cut in half crosswise

  • 360 g All Purpose Flour

  • 1 Tbsp Baking Powder

  • 1 tsp Kosher Salt

  • 0.5 tsp White Sugar

  • 0.5 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

  • 120 g Unsalted Butter (0.5″ cubes)

  • 150 g Aged Cheddar (Between 0.25″-0.5″ Cubes)

  • 200 ml Whole Milk

  • 1 Egg

  • Flakey Salt (optional)


  • Heat a frying pan over high heat until just starting to smoke.
    Add half of the onions to the dry pan turning occasionally for 1.5-2 minutes until evenly charred.
    Repeat with the remaining onions, reserve on a plate until cool to the touch.
    Roughly chop into 0.25″ pieces and place on a plate in the fridge to cool.
  • Mix flour, salt, baking powder, sugar and chili flakes in a large bowl.
    Add the cubed butter to the dry ingredients and toss to coat.
    Squish each piece of butter between your thumb and forefinger until they are all flat.
  • Remove the onions from the fridge and add them to the flour mixture and toss to combine.
    Slowly add the milk to the dry ingredients, using a fork to mix it in.
    When all of the milk has been added use your fork to continue gently mixing until all of the milk has been combined.
    The mix is still going to be very dry at this point. Do not add more liquid.
  • Dump the biscuit mixture onto a clean work surface and use your hands to press it together into a rectangle approximately 6″x12″.
    Then fold the bottom up and the top down like you are folding a letter. At this point the dough will still be very dry, but trust the process.
    Repeat this step three more times and by know you should have a slightly sticky dough.
  • Press the dough into a rectangle that is approximately 4″x6″ (it’s okay if its a bit bigger) and then cut in half lengthwise and into thirds crosswise to get six biscuits total.
  • Transfer to a parchment lined tray, brush with a beaten egg and sprinkle with flakey salt.
    Bake at 425F for 17-20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.


  • This biscuits are best eaten on the day you bake them.

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